El Sereno Green Grocer

Interior and exterior grand opening installations. Inspired by the space’s concept and variety of nourishing items that fuel your body, your nostalgia and your curiosity.

For the exterior installation, I wanted to utilize listones (ribbons) as they are traditionally used as celebratory representations in Mexico and throughout Central and South America. The choice to hang loquats surroundin the phrase, “Welcome Comelones!” celebrates the fruits growth in Los Angeles this season, and welcoming lovers of food, aka comelones!

The interior install includes portraits from my pre-existing series titled, El Sereno, A Place Called Home which is a love letter and reflection piece on the neighborhood that helped to shape me. With that I wanted to showcase abundance as well as a sense of familiarity in the form of florals and seasonal produce. ESGG is all about community and discovery, so scattered throughout the install you will find familiar and playful nods to the community, such as jarritos, alebrijes and habanero chiles.